Saturday, February 12, 2011

Facebook comments

Since most of my friends are commenting on facebook I will cut and paste them for the people I am not friends with on facebook.  Thanks for all of the kind words my friends... Keep em coming

  • Alicia Ryan likes this.
    • Alicia Ryan I just lurked it... lol but because I love couponing too. And writing nasty emails to companies in hopes that they will give me ultra awesome coupons or gift cards. They usually do. Does this make me a scumbag? No! I wrote to a shit load of companies praising them for their products, customer service, etc. and they were basically like "Yeah thanks asshole, keep spending your money on our shit"
      4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Josh Grden The only way you could've made that creepier is if you linked her facebook page. So.... what's the link to her facebook?
      3 hours ago · 
    • Erling Moe ‎"Guiness book creepy" i promise i will plagerize that....well done kuss
      2 minutes ago ·

      Katie Prenda I love the name. Your title font is just right. And your inclusion of photos is right on. Your second installment is both clever and entertaining. I don't want to sound like a suck-ass, but you ate quite talented, Mr. Kuss. But, you already knew that. Keep them coming.
      3 hours ago · 

      • Carly Stockwell likes this.
        • Richard Garcia Dig the special pouch for your sunday morning Scissors. Are the scissors gold?
          Wednesday at 8:29pm · 
        • Aaron Kuss they should be for the amount of money they help me save
          Wednesday at 8:55pm · 
        • Heather Kaput I look forward to more- I smiled the whole Way through. Thanks
          6 hours ago · 

          Laugh , Comment, Follow!!!!

Supermarket Stock

     A few days ago I was searching the internet for a Price Co web site in hopes of checking the circular for match ups (a "match up" is a coupling of manufacturers coupons with store coupons resulting in maximum savings).  To my dismay the only online resource that I was able to find for Price Co was a Facebook page.  It wasn't even a fan page that I could simply "like".  I had to request friendship and wait for a response.  It took a couple of days but finally this morning  Facebook informed me that Price Co had indeed accepted my request and I was now able to view the page.  In the midst of my perusal I noticed a familiar face listed just below mine in the Price Co "friends" section.  The picture seated just below me was of the  "I took this myself, of myself, in the bathroom mirror" genre.  I recognized the girl in the picture because she had been my cashier at Price Co a number of times.  My pervious contact with this girl  had not given me the desire to know more about her or view her personal photos  but this morning something nudged me (most likely boredom) to click  and view each one of her online snapshots.  A considerable amount of my morning was wasted scrutinizing her likeness while reading the rejoinders and observations of her and her friends.
     Eventually life stepped in and I was forced to stop my Facebook linger in an attempt to be productive.  My day was filled with many different activities.  I helped frame a deck, wrote a little, played with my cat and planned an upcoming visit from my friend Mark.  Soon the advent of dusk, and in assumed denouement I enjoyed a forty ouncer wrapped in a suffocating pink and purple sunset.
Price Co Lurk Victim 
    The day unclenched and stomaches a grumble I made my way to the market (Price Co as it happens to be the closest) in order to pick up some garlic bread to accompany our dinner.  Now here is where things get strange.  Gliding from the car towards the market, loose with malt liquor intoxicant, my attention was stolen by a girl,  traveling in my same direction.  How did I know this person?  She soon changed her gait in obvious discomfort.  I shifted my eyes away in sudden realization of my staring.  Then it hit me.  This girl and the girl who I had face-lurked all morning were the very same.  The ensuing wave of sinister was swift.  My heart began to pound and my extremities grew cold.  Was she somehow privy to my morning exercise in procrastination?  Was my level of creepy now known?  I wanted to catch up with her before she passed into the store and swear to her it was all done in an effort to postpone the pounding of nails.  I wanted her to know that I didn't find her attractive in the least (not that she wasn't pretty, just not my type) and that I in fact have a very beautiful girlfriend.  Wait... maybe she didn't know.  My breath drew in, forced, my heart began to steady.  If she was unaware, my chasing her down and providing full confession would have proved guinness book creepy.  I had to regain control!
Lurk revenge photo
     How are almost all seemingly impossible and internal problems solved??? RATIONALISATION! and that is what I began to do.  Come on, everyone who has a facebook account has lurked at one time or another.  I just wanted to see what kind of pictures a person who lives in this stupid country town might have.  The only way I could truly appreciate her Dixie Chicks style permed coif was to admire many photos of it.  For a second I thought I might save myself from any impending embarrassment by just not shopping at Price Co anymore.  Said plan of action was only a momentary consideration as earlier in the week I had learned Price Co doubles coupons (up to $1) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  She hadn't mentioned anything in the parking lot so maybe I was in the clear.  Is there even a facebook app that tells you who has been sneaking peeks at your photos?  I don't know. In the event this subject is breached in the future, I will simply suggest she take revenge by lurking my photos.  There are more than a few  of me in super tight short shorts that I suspect are equal in entertainment to her appalachian prom hair-do.
     Anyway that is my story.  Everybody lurks, I even caught my girlfriend's grandma lurking once (grandmas have facebook now!!!) .  So what!  I spent a morning of my life invading the privacy of a girl at least fifteen years my junior.  It wasn't done out of longing, lust or unhappiness in my current relationship.  I did it because I needed a distraction.  I felt bad because I could hear my girl's dad outside sawing and hammering and felt guilty about not helping him.  I wasn't ready to get up yet.  Why am I even explaining myself, you lurk and you know it!
Tomorrow is Sunday! Pray for good match ups!!!!

I have to give him his propers at least one more time.  Thanks Kaka.
Kaka Feminist


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

NOT your typical couponer!

     Take one look at my outside appearance and people are not shocked to learn that I enjoy more than my share of whiskey and beer.  It doesn't really turn heads when people find out that I have done a little bit more than experiment with all sorts of mind altering substances.  When asked how I  came to own certain scars or why my nose is crooked my reply of "bar fight" was usually already assumed.  On grocery day people gawk and whisper but their reason for doing so isn't what you might have guessed.  It isn't my  graphic heavy metal t-shirt, long hair and beard or tattoos.  The thing that makes people stop, stare and whisper is the coupon binder  spread across the front of my cart like penny pincher porno.  All the vouchers and coupons perfectly sectioned by store, a special pouch for my sunday morning scissors, and a brightly colored tab for each division of the market.  
      This blog will serve as a written record of my adventures in couponing.  While I am not entirely a coupon neophyte, I have not reached the level of other superior couponers who strut out of the store carts ablaze, having only paid six dollars for their entire trip.  Hopefully this blog will document my progression and prevent those new to couponing from becoming discouraged.  I would love it if expert couponers were to read some of my entries and laugh while being reminded of when they were just starting out. But if I am really honest it is my dream that this blog serve as a testament to open mindedness.  Maybe next time you see someone like me in the grocery store my stories of coupon adventure might cause you to focus on our similarities rather than our differences.

Very quickly I would like to talk a little bit about the name "coupon d'etat" and give credit where credit is due.  I was having a hard time coming up with a name for the blog, my best ideas were dude-pon and rude-pon so I put up a facebook post asking my friends for ideas. While there were tons of amazing suggestions the one that I felt to be the best fit was "coupon-d'etat" submitted by my friend Kaka.  It is a play on the term coup d'etat meaning a sudden violent and illegal seizure of power from the government OR  a successful and notable  stroke or move.  The name "coupon d'etat"  speaks to the real reason that I love couponing.  For me stacking coupons and laying schemes that result in really cheap or sometimes free items feels like a small revolution.  Couponing is just another way of sticking it to the man and as you will soon read I love sticking it to the man.

<- This is my friend Kaka

Here are some of the other suggestions

    • Manimal Fernandes Coupaaron
      Sunday at 6:53pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Zack Odle Pass the grey coupon.
      Sunday at 6:56pm ·  ·  3 people
    • Ryan Harrington King Coupon
      Sunday at 7:04pm · 
    • Ryan Harrington king kong coupon dong
      Sunday at 7:05pm · 
    • Jason Robitaille Black dude
      Sunday at 7:08pm · 
    • Ryan Harrington adventures of a human weirdo
      Sunday at 7:10pm · 
    • Jason Robitaille The cheap jew
      Sunday at 7:11pm · 
    • Christopher Swanson theRedeemer
      Sunday at 7:19pm · 

    • Sunday at 7:49pm · 
    • James Krusas coupon d'etat
      Sunday at 10:41pm · 
    • Amy Cora Simmons ‎:)
      Monday at 6:58am · 
    • Solstice Skateboarding Foodstamp
      Monday at 8:02am · 
    • Katie Dunne
      Monday at 5:25pm · 
    • Aaron Kuss Thanks everyone for your ideas but I think Kaka is the winner with coupon d'etat. It is very fitting. Everyone who knows me knows I could give a fuck about money. Couponing is more about sticking it to the man. Figuring a way to stack discounts and offers to end up with things almost or completely free. Stay tuned for "coupon d'etat" !!!!!
      Yesterday at 5:33am · 
    • Jacob Jones what about "Hangin With Mr. Couper"
      19 hours ago · 
    • Jacob Jones the blog trailer cans start out with you in a green suit "I'm a Soul Man" on the soundtrack and your clipping coupons at the breakfast table you drop your buttered and jammed up toast on the paper and then look up from the mess with a doh! and wink at the camera and then it turns and your sitting across from Raven Simon.
      19 hours ago ·